
Too many students rule out studying abroad because they think they cannot afford it.  However, studying abroad can be very affordable, especially with the assistance of scholarships.  看看这些奖学金和其他资助方式 让你出国留学成为现实!


美国奖学金直接隶属于十大玩彩信誉平台.  All 美国奖学金现在在奖学金数据库中运行 JagSPOT.  为了找到具体的美国奖学金,您将登录到 JagSPOT using your J# and JagMail password, search for the specific scholarship, and complete 应用程序.

▼   General
  • All study abroad applicants who are USA students earning credit abroad are encouraged 申请世界动物卫生组织证书 留学奖学金. 如需申请,请填写一般申请表格 JagSPOT 并表明你有兴趣出国留学.  留学奖学金 然后申请将自动交付给您.
  • 美国全球奖学金 for Study Abroad is a scholarship for students who are enrolled as degree seeking USA students in good academic and non-academic standing, with preference given to 从阿拉巴马州高中毕业的学生. 要申请,请搜索“USA Paws Around” “世界留学奖学金 JagSPOT.
  • 世界动物卫生组织媒体奖学金 每年颁发给一定数量的出国留学学生. 这是一场竞争 scholarship that requires students to document their study abroad experience using 一所大学在他们出国留学期间发布了Go Pro. 学生会回来 the Go Pro at the end of the study 国外的项目 and complete an interview with USA 有创意的服务. Go Pro的镜头和采访将会产生一个宣传视频 美国和世界动物卫生组织. 所有Go Pro和采访录像将属于美国和世界动物卫生组织. To apply, 搜索“十大玩彩信誉平台媒体奖学金办公室” JagSPOT.
  • The 克林特·哈珀赤脚全球影响奖学金 provides financial assistance to a full-time student who expresses interest in international 旅行或有证据表明旅行对全球社区有积极影响. Applicants 必须至少有3个.平均绩点0,至少要读大二. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 Global USA. 申请,搜索“Clint Harper Barefoot Global Impact endowment Scholarship” JagSPOT.
▼   Arts & 科学专业
  • The Ella and Cody Wims海外留学奖学金 is a scholarship for sophomores or juniors participating on University-approved programs 学生在哪里至少修满三个学期的学分才能毕业. To apply, 搜索“Ella and Cody Wims海外留学奖学金” JagSPOT.
  • The Nowlin-Caldwell奖学金 is a scholarship that awards up to $3,000 annually to a sophomore, junior, or senior 至少有一个2.平均成绩5分,文学院的专业 & Sciences to 资助海外旅游. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 文学院 & Sciences. 申请,搜索“诺林-考德威尔奖学金” JagSPOT.
  • The 詹姆斯和伊维尔·考德威尔奖学金 任何文科和理科专业至少有3分的学生都有奖学金.他们的平均绩点是0 留学期间主修或主修外语课程者. 欲了解更多信息,请 contact the 文学院 & Sciences. 申请,搜索“詹姆斯和伊维尔考德威尔奖学金” JagSPOT.
  • The 出国留学外语奖学金 offers awards to language majors when they fulfill the mandatory study abroad requirement 专业方面. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 现代与古典语言文学系. 申请请搜索“出国留学外语奖学金” JagSPOT.
  • The 费利西亚·库利奖 is awarded to a student that is deemed the best in Intermediate Spanish II by the 部门 现代和古典语言 & Literature. 该学生将获得专门用于海外留学的资金. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 现代与古典语言文学系. 申请请搜索“出国留学外语奖学金” JagSPOT.
  • The 低级语言教学奖学金 是授予在美国学习一门“教得较少的语言”或拉丁语的学生吗. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 现代与古典语言文学系. 申请请搜索“出国留学外语奖学金” JagSPOT.
  • The 米切尔商学院国际奖学金 是为了鼓励米切尔学院的学生出国留学.  的偏好是 给予MCOB直接入学和交换项目.  欲了解更多信息,请联系 the 米切尔商学院.  申请并完成“米切尔商学院海外留学奖学金” 应用程序在 JagSPOT
  • The Alvin J. 威廉姆斯授予海外市场营销奖学金 provides funding to a full-time undergraduate marketing major in the Mitchell College 至少有3年以上的商业经验.0 GPA. 学生必须已经申请并被录取 米切尔商学院批准的海外学习项目. For more 有关资料,请联络 米切尔商学院. 要申请,请搜索“Alvin J. “威廉姆斯海外市场营销奖学金” in JagSPOT.
  • The 米切尔商学院 South Alabama Center for Business Analytics, Real Estate, 和经济发展(CREED)出国留学奖学金 provides financial assistance to students majoring in the 米切尔商学院 谁通过MCOB赞助的项目在哥斯达黎加或伦敦留学. For more 有关资料,请联络 米切尔商学院. To apply, search “米切尔商学院 South Alabama Center for Business Analytics, Real Estate, 和经济发展(CREED)出国留学奖学金” in JagSPOT.
  • The 克里斯和伊丽莎白·梅尔顿捐赠奖学金 provides financial assistance to a full-time student in the 米切尔商学院 who has a 3.平均绩点25或以上. 申请人必须已经申请并被录取 米切尔商学院的一个海外学习项目. 推荐信 from a 十大玩彩信誉平台 faculty member should be submitted with 应用程序. 本科二、三、四年级学生优先. For 更多信息,请联系 米切尔商学院. 申请,搜索“克里斯和伊丽莎白梅尔顿捐赠奖学金” JagSPOT.
  • The Leonard A. Macaluso本科生奖学金 provides up to $800 to an undergraduate student for professional development pertaining to the study and practice of history, for studying abroad in a program led by a USA History faculty member, or for history majors enrolling in any study 国外的项目. Priority will be given to history majors for either professional development or study abroad. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 文学院 & Sciences. 要申请,搜索“Leonard A”. 麦卡卢索大学本科奖学金 JagSPOT.
  • The 珍妮特·马汉奖 是由. Howard F. 1985年的马汉. 它提供财政援助 to undergraduate or graduate students majoring in history seeking professional development pertaining to the study and practice of history, or planning to participate in a study 国外的项目. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 文学院 & Sciences. 如欲申请,请在 JagSPOT.
  • The 卓越工程奖 is a stipend provided by the College of Engineering to high achieving engineering 为学生出国留学提供经济资助. 所有合资格的受助人 在美国大学入学前会收到学校的信吗. This award can be used for any USA approved study 国外的项目 during the fall, spring, or 夏季学期. 要兑换您的津贴或了解更多信息,请联系 南杨·佩雷斯·乌里韦报道 nperezuribe@thebowloflife.com.
  • 总统奖学金 谁从美国出发的 2018年秋季及以后 有一次性2000美元的留学经历奖励吗. 符合条件的学生将通知 奖学金服务 他们计划在学期前出国留学,世界动物卫生组织将确认其资格.
  • 教务长奖学金,于2018年秋季及之后开始在美国学习 有一次性1000美元的留学经历奖励吗. 符合条件的学生将通知 奖学金服务 before the term they plan to study abroad and OIE will confirm eligibility.


外部奖学金 and Fellowships are not directly offered by the University of 南阿拉巴马州,但是世界动物卫生组织可以帮你申请.

  • 多元化海外奖学金 are for economically disadvantaged students, African-American/Black, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, multiracial/ethnic or Indigenous/Native-American students, students with disabilities, 或者是第一代大学生.
  • 彩虹奖学金 是为LGBTQI群体的成员准备的.
  • 阿什利·索尔·康罗伊基金会 是否适合经济需求高的学生参加一年制课程.
▼   ROTC
  • 项目主任(全球干事) 是为有兴趣学习一门重要语言的后备军官训练团学生准备的. GO项目 focus exclusively on the languages and countries of the Middle East, Asia, Central 亚洲和非洲.
  • Boren奖学金 is for graduates studying a lesser taught language for an extended period of time.
  • 富布赖特奖学金 is for graduates or postgraduates going abroad in numerous areas for various reasons, including pursuit of a graduate degree, conducting research, or teaching English.
  • 盖茨剑桥奖学金 is for postgraduates interested in funding for up to three years of graduate study 在剑桥大学的任何领域.
  • 乔治·马歇尔奖学金 is for postgraduates interested in funding for two years of graduate study at any 任何领域的国外大学.
  • 乔治·米切尔奖学金 is for graduates interested in funding for one year of graduate study at any eligible 在爱尔兰或北爱尔兰任何领域的机构.
  • 罗德奖学金 is for graduates or postgraduates interested in funding for two years of graduate 在牛津大学学习任何专业.
▼   Other
  • 许多地方组织(例如, Rotary Club)可以为出国留学的学生提供资助. 考虑问问你的家人和朋友 如果他们和当地组织有联系.
  • 不要在这里看到符合你需要的奖学金或奖学金? 谈谈你的学习 国外顾问更多的机会.


Crowdfunding is not a scholarship per se, but it is another option for you to explore for funding.  众筹平台可以帮助你提供鼓励你的 朋友和家人帮你支付学费. 一定要检查一下 details of each of the resources as there are typically fees involved as well as a 捐赠给你基金的一部分由公司保管.


FundMyTravel is an online crowdfunding platform specifically developed to suit the needs of individuals 希望到国外学习或做志愿者.

GoFundMe 个人在线筹款网站是为个人或团体服务的吗 & 组织.

Indiegogo is an international crowdfunding site where anyone can raise money for film, music, 艺术、慈善、小企业、游戏、戏剧等等.

Kickstarter 是世界上最大的创意项目融资平台吗.