

Members of the 十大玩彩信誉平台 campus community are expected to adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct in carrying out their teaching, research 服务职责. Such conduct is subject to norms and ethical codes that vary somewhat among disciplines, as well as to differing individual perceptions and interpretations; but certain general ethical guidelines reflecting the commitment of the campus to these standards are applicable to all University of employees.

As an institution devoted to the creation and dissemination of new knowledge through research and scholarship, USA is committed to maintaining the truthfulness and integrity fundamental to these activities through the responsible and ethical conduct of its faculty, academic professionals, staff and students. 大学发展了 and approved procedures for dealing with alleged misconduct outlined in the Faculty Handbook. These procedures are also intended to protect innocent researchers and scholars from harassment, to prevent interference with their academic freedom, and to protect from retribution those who report alleged misconduct.


  • Members of an academic unit must honor contractual obligations in teaching, research 公共服务. They should further conduct themselves in a professional and collegial 对待彼此的态度.
  • Members of academic units should provide an environment for professional development 在所有员工中.'
  • Individuals assessing the work of others should base their assessments on appropriate 专业标准.
  • Members of academic units should seek collegial resolution of professional disputes. Individuals engaged in teaching, research or public service should respect and abide by legitimate and reasonable requests for confidentiality.
  • Individuals conducting research have an obligation to follow procedures that assure the ethical treatment of human subjects and animals.
  • Individuals engaged in research and teaching should understand and comply with pertinent regulations for health and safety in the workplace; should see to it that students and collaborators in learning or research projects understand and comply with these regulations; and should work to minimize risks to health and safety in the learning 或者研究环境.
  • Individuals conducting research should spend research monies in ways consistent with 合同文件中规定的目标.